Langstone Junior Academy are proud to have created and promote our unique
‘Langstone Learner Award’
Thinking, Resilience, Reflectiveness
At Langstone Junior Academy, we aim to develop learners who are reflective, resilient thinkers and challenge themselves in all areas of learning both in and out of school. We believe that children need to develop a skills set that enables them to achieve this and become confident ‘Master Learners’. The Langstone Learner award is a three-tiered system which empowers children to recognise and develop a set of progressively challenging skills as they develop as independent learners.
Tier 1 – All NEW children to the school (8 skills per area = 24 skills)
This is where all children new to our school (regardless of their Year Group) will start.
Tier 1 introduces children to a set of basic core skills broken down into smaller steps.
- In their booklet, the children will self-assess against each skill once they have an understanding of what this means and how they can demonstrate this in school. They use a smiley face scale which is updated by the child as they progress.
- The class teacher will observe these learning behaviours over a period of time and when evidenced consistently, will discuss this with the child and a sticker added to show achievement.
- When all stickers for a skill set are awarded, the booklet is passed to the Year Leader for validation. A larger ‘special’ sticker is awarded at the bottom right of the page and signed off.
- When all 3 areas have been approved by the Year Leader, the tier has been completed and a sticker is put on the front cover. This is then celebrated in class.
- A member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is then notified. They will visit the class and award the Tier 1 blue band and celebrate the successful first step to becoming a ‘Langstone Learner’. Where possible, this will also be celebrated in the virtual year group assemblies held via Zoom or Google Meet in school.
Tier 2 – Typically Year 4 but progression when appropriate from Tier 1 (5 skills per area = 15 skills)
- Tier 2 builds on the previous set of skills and children start here once they have completed Tier 1.
- The layout is slightly different with children being required to self-assess using a smiley face and number system. This is updated by children as they progress.
- They also begin to record evidence, supported by an adult. For example, this might be: 30.11.20 Today in Maths, I learned from my marvellous mistake last week and made sure I used my times tables knowledge to complete my multiplication calculations correctly.
- Each skill has room to record evidence underneath. There are also additional pages in the booklet for this if needed.
- The class teacher will approve achievements as before but this time also discussing the evidence provided by the child.
- Once a skill set is complete, it will be passed to a Year leader as before.
- When Tier 2 is complete, a member of SLT is then notified. They will visit the class and award the Tier 2 pink band and celebrate with the class. Where possible, this will also be celebrated in the virtual year group assemblies held via Zoom or Google Meet in school.
0 = Not YET
1 = Beginning to with reminders
2= Often with reminders
3 = Sometimes on my own
4= On my own
This is the scaling system used to self-assess by the children in Tier 2 and 3
Tier 3 – Typically Year 5 but progression when appropriate from Tier 2 (4 skills per area = 12 skills)
Children start this tier once they have successfully completed Tier 2
- These skills build upon and consolidate skills from Tier 1 and 2, promoting true independence as a learner.
- The layout is different. Children are required to self-assess using a scale of 1-4. This is updated by children as they progress.
- They are also required to demonstrate that they are a master of the skills by applying them in different situations. They need to record evidence in the numbered boxes from 3 different areas of the curriculum. This can include evidence from outside of school. This is completed independently and after discussion, verified by an adult
- The class teacher will approve achievements as before, validating the evidence provided by the child.
- Once a skill set is complete, it will be passed to a Year leader as before.
- When Tier 3 is complete, a member of SLT is then notified. They will visit the class and award the Tier 3 yellow band and celebrate with the class. Where possible, this will also be celebrated in the virtual year group assemblies held via Zoom or Google Meet in school.
Master Learner – Awarded upon completion of all the tiers in all 3 areas – thinking, resilience and reflectiveness.
The ultimate goal…
- This very special achievement is awarded to children who have successfully completed all 3 tiers of the Langstone Learner Award.
- Children who reach this level of recognition are confident learners, equipped with the skills they need to be resilient, reflective thinkers. They are role models for other pupils.
- At this stage, a child is awarded a grey ‘Master Learner’ T-shirt from the Headteacher which can be worn in place of the normal white t-shirt uniform.
- In non-COVID times, this is celebrated in whole school assemblies. When restrictions are in place, this is celebrated within the class and across the Year group.
- Where parental/guardian’s permission is granted, a photo will be added to the school website