Humanities Intent
Teachers and pupils are naturally inquisitive about the world in which they live. We believe that all children should be able to question and challenge the world around them. In order to achieve this we will:
- Enable children to work towards an outcome through investigation of a self-generated question.
- Support children to develop their skills by providing knowledge and opportunities for skill application to allow them to research with a greater depth of understanding.
- Create opportunities to debate and argue their own point of view, challenge and appreciate the views of others.
- Support children to explore the past and present and establish the effect of this on how we view the world around us.
We will achieve this through:
- Providing children with first-hand experiences, inspiring their inquisitive minds and how they can relate to the information in order to challenge and question the world they live in.
- Providing children with opportunities and choice to explore and direct their own learning so that they are confident at developing a deeper understanding of the world around them.
- Facilitate opportunities for children to reflect on lessons from the past, compare experiences and discuss their place in society. Therefore, children will become respectful and caring members of the wider community that have a rich awareness of cultural diversity.
- Develop the use of Geographical and Historical research approaches to answer questions generated.