Religious Education Intent

Our vision is to build children’s spirituality, sense of identity and belonging, which will help them flourish within their communities and as citizens in a diverse society. Pupils will think and grow together to develop respect and care for others, including people with different faiths and beliefs and to challenge prejudice.

All planning should underpin this vision through:


it develops pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other principal religions, and religious traditions that examine these questions, fostering personal reflection and spiritual development.


this builds resilience to anti-democratic or extremist narratives while providing an opportunity for developing their own spirituality and beliefs.


we have found that collaborative philosophical inquiry has marked positive effects on students. P4C and PSHE sessions help teachers build a community of enquiry within the classroom which provides children with the opportunities to think openly, clearly and rigorously and to communicate successfully with each other in a caring and collaborative manner.


it supports children in developing their own opinions and deepens their understanding of how faith is practised in a range of ways by a variety of people. It also promotes the children’s engagement and enjoyment of the subject.